Want to get ahead at work? Feel like you’re ready to take a step up? Then you’ll need to prove that you’ve excelled at work. 

If you’re finding yourself searching for jobs at the next stage up in your marketing career, perhaps a senior marketing executive, or a marketing manager, there are things you can get into the habit of at work to prove you’re ready to develop to your superiors. Try these tips below to not only stand out, but to help yourself develop for a successful career.

Market yourself as an expert

Got LinkedIn? Great start, and so you should. LinkedIn is the social hub for business, and if you’re not on here frequently boasting your successes, you could be missing out on a key element recruiters look at when they scan your CV…because they might also search for you online. 

Think about it – if you want to be a successful marketer, it makes sense to market yourself first. Add your work to your LinkedIn profile, and regularly post about any successes or milestones at work that you think would look equally great on your tailored CV

LinkedIn is the perfect place to be known as an expert, so don’t waste any opportunities to engage with those in your industry either. Share your ideas and thoughts. If you don’t feel you’re quite at this stage yet, there are plenty of brand ambassadors and industry leaders who can motivate and inspire you to do better in your career. Network yourself as a thought leader and join conversations that inspire you. It will be so worth while. 

Want more advice on LinkedIn? Take a look at this.

Ask questions 

Sometimes, we all have questions we are afraid to ask at work, but why? Many people are afraid of asking questions as it may come across that they are disconnected from their work, are unmotivated, they don’t care or don’t have the required education. This simply isn’t the case. Asking the right people the right questions can help you gather the information you need to excel. This also shows that you are committed and interested in the job role. All you have to do is ask!


Read every day

Reading is fundamental to personal development. You never know what you could learn by picking up a book, or searching for valuable resources online. With a vast amount of industry news and helpful, valuable content online today, it is easy to find something relevant for you to read. Whether it’s keeping up with the news, or just staying updated on a particular company or industry’s progress. Reading keeps you one step of the game, because you will always be learning something new or you will engage with new ideas. All of which will help you shape your ideas and decisions in the future. It does not have to be intense, but as long as it is productive, you will be winning the race to career success.  


Remove distractions 

Your productivity is so important and if that gets interrupted, this can be bad news. It’s obvious, if you are looking at your phone every five minutes, you will not get anything done. Even if you are trying not to, a notification is bound to veer you away from your work. Take away any distractions while you’re at your desk so that you can fully immerse yourself in your work and complete it to the best of your ability. Switch your phone off, and divert your attention to your work. Music, at times can be very calming and allow you the concentration you need to work.

Maximise efficiency

Making the most of your day at work is crucial for career development. Track how much time you’re spending on tasks and ask yourself if you’ve completed this to the best standard and within a reasonable timeframe. Also, when prioritising your work, follow the “two-minute rule”. If you see something that can be done within two minutes or without much disruption to your work, complete it straight away.

Reducing meetings can be a massive timesaver too – although some are necessary for certain tasks/projects/development to be discussed, for example, if you do have meetings in your diary that you think could possibly be discussed via email or over the phone instead, for example, axe the meeting to allow yourself more time to work. Your time is valuable, so before you begin clicking Yes for every meeting, ask yourself how important it is and if you could accomplish the same goals via another form of communication.


Want more career advice? Click here for more blogs about jobseeker tips.

Or are you considering a new role that’s a bit more challenging? At Simply Marketing jobs, we connect you with local jobs in your area. If you’re looking for a more exciting role that you can get stuck in to, simply click through to our jobs section here to start the search for your next big opportunity! 



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