A marketing analyst is responsible for providing information regarding customers markets and competitors. An ideal candidate for the job will have experience in the field of planning and managing research projects.
Responsibilities of a Market Analyst
- Provide ROI analysis on all marketing campaigns and sales activities.
- Answer specific business questions.
- Design research projects.
- Identify new market opportunities.
- Conduct market research.
- Create surveys to capture market data.
- Manage targeting.
- Competitive analysis to ensure staying one step ahead of competitors.
- Monitor and track competitive advertisements.
Marketing Analyst Job Requirements
- University degree in business, marketing or related field.
- Experience in marketing or market research.
- Knowledge of sales, marketing and business processes.
- Strong project management skills.
- Problem solving skills.
- Time management and organisational capabilities.
- Ability to travel.
Salary for Market Analyst Jobs
Usually between £24,000 – £47,000 per year.
10 steps to a new marketing job
Landing a new job in marketing in the current environment is going to be challenging, but if you are determined and focused you can achieve the goal of an exciting new career move this year
How much will marketing salaries rise in 2013? Expect 3.6% says new survey
A new marketing salary survey has found that over a quarter of marketers did not enjoy a pay rise at all in 2012, and for a third the rise was a paltry 3% or less.
Marketing job interviews: When does confidence look like arrogance?
Often the failure of the under confident candidate and the over confident candidate boils down to the same thing: a failure to research.